Improve Your Presentation Skills for a Performance Difference

Have you ever watched an extraordinary presentation and wondered what made it so special? Have you ever wondered how some speakers or performers can utter a few sentences and have everyone hanging on their every word? Sometimes a presenter can make such a connection to the audience that you can feel the honesty in their message. How would you like to develop your presentation or performance skills to enable you to connect easily to your audience, and so make a difference to your performance?

Presentation skills are one of the most important skills you can hone to improve your performance and make difference to your results. These skills can benefit you in social settings, formal meetings such as the boardroom or on a public stage as a singer or stage misician. Whether you are talking to people to make them change their behavior in a supervisory setting or making a sales pitch to your customers, presentation skills are essential tools in your toolbox.

Good presenters are not necessarily born that way; the likelihood is that they have been well trained, and built up their skills over time. The simple truth is that the best presenters have had lots of practice presenting. If you want to improve your presentation skills then attending a Performance Training workshop will help you build up your skills.

We sometimes get asked about the benefits using a video camera to record presentations to aid practice. You can do this, but we advise caution, as a camera will not respond to you in the same way that a live audience will. Practice with a camera is of course essential if your chosen field will require a piece to camera. Otherwise practice to an audience, however small, and use a camera to record your performance for review later.

The top tips we give to presenters of all standards, in all jobs and vocations include the following advice:

  • Enroll in a professional training course. The environment of like-minded individuals gives you a safe environment to practice and learn good presentation habits.
  • Set Resource Anchors and fire them before you take the stage. This allows you to harness a peak emotional state, which you can invoke every time you present.
  • Take every opportunity to speak to an audience, in or out of work. The more you use your presentation skills, the easier you will find it.
  • Be hungry for feedback. Once you learn to take feedback it will help you to improve and grow as a presenter.

So what is your next step to becoming an incredible presenter? Contact Bruce Thompson Events now to make your Performance Difference

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